
“…Meditation: the process of moving from mind to no-mind, from thought to a state of thoughtlessness, silence…

…How to be in the present? — that is the whole knack of meditation. And the moment you are in the present, enlightenment is its by-product…

… Meditation can be translated as no-mind; thing will be simple. Either something comes out of the mind, or some thing comes out of no-mind. Mind is noise, it is craziness, insanity. No-mind is silence, health, wholeness…

…Zazen means just sitting at the very source, not moving anywhere. A tremendous force arises, a transformation of energy into light and love, into greater life, into compassion, into creativity. It can take many forms. but first you have to learn how to be at the source. Then the source will decide where your potential is. You can relax at the source and it will take you to your very potential. Gibberish is to get rid of the active mind, silence to get rid of the inactive mind and let go is to enter into the transcendental…

…Meditation is a very simple process: all that you need to know is right button. The Upanishads call it “witnessing”– the right button. Just witness your mind process, don’t do anything at all. Nothing needs to be done, just be witness, an observer, a watcher, looking at the traffic of the mind–thoughts passing by, desires, memories, dreams, fantasies. Simply stand aloof, cool–watching it, seeing it, with no judgment, with no condemnation, neither saying, “This is good,” nor saying, “This is bad.” Don’t bring your moral concepts in, otherwise you will never be able to meditate…

…Witnessing simply means a detached observation, unprejudiced; that’s the whole secret of meditation. It is simple! Once you have known the knack of it, it is the most the simple thing in the world, because each child is born in that innocence. You have known it in your mother’s womb, you have known it when you were a small child, so it is only a rediscovery. Meditation is not something new; you have come with it into the world. Mind is something new; meditation is you nature, it is your nature, it is your very being. How can it be difficult? You just have to know the knack: watch…

…Meditation can bring you to your nature. It can help you to drop all the perversions. It can make you intelligent, it can make you loving, it can make you spontaneous, it can make you responsible. It can make you a benediction to yourself and to existence. Except meditation there is no other method which can help. this is the key, the master key…

…Meditation will not give you enlightenment, remember. No technique can ever give you enlightenment; enlightenment is not technical. Meditation can only prepare the ground, meditation can only open the door. Meditation can only do something negatively; the positive will come. Once you are ready, it always comes…’

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